Piotr wrote:
>I am thinking about  70-300 ED and 1.8/85D. Have you any comments about
>this lenses ? Should I consider 80-200/2.8D ?

The 85/1.8 is one of Nikon's best lenses IMO. Tack sharp,
very bright, small and well-built. It's great for taking
pictures of rock/pop concerts or in a theatre - handheld 
on 400 ASA film! That's just one use... It's also a great
portrait and all-purpose lens.

And YES YES YES you should consider the 80-200/2.8; this
lens is legendary for a reason. It produces pictures 
that look like they were taken with an excellent prime.
Of course, there's the price... but it's worth it.

(About the 70-300, I don't know anything, sorry!)


-Philipp Leibfried

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