Piotr Scislo asked: <>

Should you consider the 80-200 f/2.8? Sure! Should you get one? I don't know.
Do you need the extra f/stops for low light shooting?  Do you need the maximum
sharpness you can get?  If you answer yes to either, then buy one and you will
love what it will do. If you don't, then get the 70-300 ED as is good enough
for what you will use it for and is as good or better then the Canon you are
replacing. I think you should always get the best lens, period. But in this
case it means getting a lens that is maybe 3 times the weight and cost.  

As for the 85mm f/1.8; if you get it, you will fall in love with it and will
hate to use that dim, soft 70-300 ED. The 85mm f/1.8 is a fabulous lens,
small, light, cheap, bright and very, very sharp.  Having the extra 2 1/3
stops of light will spoil you in low light situations.  I dare you to buy it
and not like it or the images it makes.

Jonathan Castner

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