Owen Evans believes that the extra 15% he spends at his local camera shop
is a worthwhile investment.  He is absolutely right.  Pardee's (Sacramento,
CA, USA) is the same way.  I know I can get better prices elsewhere, but I
have never been in a camera store that has offered me more or better
service.  They will spend as much time as I need to answer my questions,
they have been more than generous in their trade-in policy and they have
taken time to constructively critique my work and offer suggestions on
alternatives and improvements.  On, yes, about their taking time to talk to
me like a human being instead of a quick sale - I have seen them take the
same amount to time and offer the same friendly advice to a teenager just
starting in photography and buying an inexpensive used point-and-shoot as
they spend with a pro buying thousands of dollars worth of equipment.
Their orientation toward service could serve as a model for any business.
Yes, the extra 15% is a GOOD investment!
Bill Cassing

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