Joffrey Wallaart said: <<Bottom line: 80% of the people owning an F5 (or EOS
1-n) don't need it IMHO.>>

Amen brother! Remember that the majority of people owning top-of-the-line gear
are not hard working professionals, but weekend shooters who think that having
an F5 will make their boring pictures somehow better.  The reason that Canon
set out to beat Nikon from a "Technological" standpoint is that it impresses
the bulk of the market, the amateurs and they buy more gear, more regularly
than the pros do.  They then go out and buy the "Professional" model and think
it helps their photography.  Wrong!  I had the opportunity a while ago to meet
an ultimate soccer dad. I was shooting a high school soccer game for the paper
and here is this over weight middle aged guy in the loud shirt with a EOS1n,
Booster and 400mm f/2.8 taking pictures of his daughter playing soccer.  He
had about $10,000 worth of gear because the sales guy told him he needed that
stuff to take better snapshots of his little girl.  Guess what? His shots were
horrible.  He bought the marketing hype. It got him little more than a 400mm
f/5.6 and Elan would have except $8000 poorer.  Heck, I have no need for an F5
so I don't use them.  I am not out to impress anyone buy my editors and the
people who see my images. They don't care what gear I use, they only care that
my images are good.  

Jonathan Castner

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