Hello all,
     I use F2's and F3's along with a couple of FM2n's.  I found myself
in a situation where I didn't have a way to meter couple with the older,
non-AI lenses.  I spent a lot of time looking for a good DP-3 for a F2
so I could take advantage of some great older lenses with the best
non-AI meter/prism I could get my hands on.
     I finally found one and it was in almost perfect condition but I
eventually discovered one minor flaw.  When removing a lens, the
coupling arm returned to the center but didn't go up quite far enough to
be ready to accept the next lens.  This was easily handled by simply
pushing it up into the opening in the finder about 1/8th of an inch
until hearing a "click".  Then it would properly index with the next
lens.  It seemed that the linkage was just a little sticky.  Rather than
try and do anything to it myself I checked around at several places and
found that nobody will work on those "old things" anymore.  (Which I
pretty much knew)
     I live in the U.S. and work in Canada, not too far from Nikon
Canada, so I decided to see what they would say about the finder.  I
never expected that they would even look at it but I hoped to get some
advise.  To my surprise, they took it and said they would go over it
completely and I would have it back in about three weeks.....and they
quoted a price for their services.
     I've been using Nikon MF equipment since 1971 and have never had
anything quit working yet.  I buy a 23 year old piece of used equipment
and can still get the manufacturer to give it a tune up if necessary!  I
consider that to be one of the best reasons to stick with Nikon.
     I only mention this in response to all the postings that talk about
what Nikon won't do for you.  I for one, can't complain.


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