I just acquired an SB-28, and am having some problems using it with my F5.

I ran a some test shots of my wife holding signs with various adjustments
marked on them (0, -.3, -.7, etc.) I then adjusted the SB-28 to match the
sign (keeping the F5 on normal, no compensation) and banged away. 

The pictures were taken outdoors in direct sunlight, 1/2 of them with her
side lighted, and 1/2 of them with the sun behind her. Film was Ektachrome
100S (not ideal for this situation, I know, but it's what I had available).
Lens was a 28-105mm Nikkor 3.5-4.5 D type lens. Subject was about 8-9 (2.5-3
meters) feet away, with the lens set around 80-100mm. Camera set for Matrix
metering, and flash set for Automatic Balanced Fill Flash with TTL
multi-sensor. Lens set for f/5.6 I believe. And yes, the strobe 'picked up'
the ISO rating of the film from the camera.

Exposures with backlighting seem good, with a reasonable amount of fill
flash, best result is probably -0.7 compensation on the strobe. But the
sidelighted shots were all too bright. The WHOLE PICTURE appears over
exposed (too light). While I can see the effect of the fill, it was not as
good as the shots I have seen published when people describe the virtues of
this system.

Any ideas on what's wrong? What should I try? Am I using the correct
settings on the strobe?

I have an important shoot coming up in two weeks, and want to get this
locked down in time. It will be a family gathering, most pictures indoors. I
have time for several more test rolls, but am unsure as to what to shoot.

Thanks, in advance.

Colin and Marie Povey

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