"dr. Moso Tamas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>When you compare the AF and MF, for MF use good screen and MF lens. Focusing of
>AF lenses too fast for MF.
>Take AF test shots (with resolution test target) when the camera must focus from
>infinity or must focus from closest distance or when you prefocus.

That is a terrible test unless you only shoot flat objects that are parallel
to the film plane.  I don't typically photograph such things.  I usually shoot
3D object where the focal point is not typically the closest point to the camera.
I have not found AF to be as accurate as MF in this situation which is my
typical situation.

I have seen a lot of rebuttals of "MF is more accurate than AF".  Each one ignored
the case which I claim AF will usually result in less than optimal focus, that
is photographing a 3D object where the focal point is not a point closest to
the camera.  This
case is typically what I encounter in my photography.  I really doubt I am a
rare exception.

David Johnson

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