Last year I had Costco print up about 500 negatives
from a New England fall colors shoot. I wanted to
use the prints for indexing and screening, intend-
ing to use a custom lab for final prints. The 
Costco prints were better and more consistent than
three different custom labs. I have since used Costco
for all my photo album printsl 4x6 at a cost of about
15 cents per print. I use a custom lab only for enlarge-
ments or cropping services.


From: "William H. Cassing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Or, if my local store offered high quality photo finishing I would 
fall in love with them! But no, they offer the same funny colour, bad 
exposure printing that I can get from Costco at 1/2 the price."

Interesting comment.  I have found that the Costco shop on Expo Boulevard
gives better service than a couple of the local custom labs.  I'm curious
as to how others feel about high volume processors.

Bill Cassing

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