Joffrey Wallaart said: <<Bottom line: 80% of the people owning an F5 (or
1-n) don't need it IMHO.>>

Jonathan Castner Wrote:
Amen brother! Remember that the majority of people owning
top-of-the-line gear
are not hard working professionals, but weekend shooters who think that
an F5 will make their boring pictures somehow better.

First of all, where is the information to back that statement up?

I can understand that some of the poeple who own F5's don't really need
them but WHO really needs one?  Are the only people who need an F5 those
that shoot at 8fps with fast moving subjects in some special lighting
situation that needs 1005 metering zones?  Am I to understand that the
photographer in Bosnia using the F5 because it's durable and weather
resistant doesn't actually need it?

I don't see how you can say that the majority of F5 owners think that it
will make their boring pictures somehow better?  How do you know what
people think?  I own an F5 because I need a durable camera that is heavy
in my hand.  I know that there is nothing in the camera that will
improve my pictures or my composition.  I'm not saying that I feel I'm
included in your 80% idiot ratio, I'm just tired of hearing non-F5
owners telling everyone on the list that they don't need the camera they
bought.  I'm still the deciding factor on what picture I get when I
press the shutter button.

Please stop whining to the F5 owners on this list.  If you can take
better pictures than some of us, fine, but you don't have to rub our
noses in your crap!

Eric Cabebe

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