<< a
very expensive Nikon filter ($90) and b) some very cheap non-Nikon filters.
The sales guy suggested that I buy the $90 filter for the 24/120 lens and
the cheap filter for the other lenses.>>

I have gone both ways, but have since changed my strategy completely!  I
now don't by filters unless it's for something out of the ordinary.  A
while ago it occurted to me that I have never had an experiance where the
filter saved my bacon.  Everytime the filter cracked the lens broke anyway.
 I now use only hoods for my lenses.  The hodd gives you added protection
and as long as you don't stick your finger on the lens nothing should
happen to it.  Also a hood is considerably cheaper.<g>  Now of course if I
need a polarizer I buy a polarizer, but that serves a different purpose.
Until I have something bad happen I'll stick with just my hood.


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