Hi Nikon Fans,

Thanks for all the information on the F100.

For those who knew/emailed me, I only have metal manual Nikons and I hate
plastic Nikons. I resisted buying any Nikon AF camera because they don't
give me the same thrill as the 'Rolls Royce' F2. Looking at the F100
picture, I think I'm going to like it, and it's certainly worth waiting for.
(My 'newest' Nikon is the FM2T.)

So, I will soon be joining the AF band wagan. Three cheers to Nikon !

Actually Minalta is also bringing out a metal AF camera. Is the trend
changing ... for the better ? Please no more arguments between plastic and
metal. I only know what I like.

Happy shooting,


*** Happyness is a man with lots of Nikons and Nikkors - Sover Wong 1998 ***

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