
        The most complete online specs I've seen sofar are at 

        I'm bummed that the F100 doesn't (appear to) have:

        o ADR (aperture direct readout)
        o manual film rewind
        o variable length self-timer (it has a fixed 10 second,
          instead of the 2-30 sec. selectable of the N90/s)

        But I will probably still buy it to replace my N90(non-s)
        because it has:

        o The 5 point Dynamic AF/spot meter system of the F5
        o New Matrix metering
        o 96% viewfinder
        o Built-in AE/FE bracketing, configurable
        o Better sealing/build
        o It will be significantly more quiet

Nothing short of defending this country in wartime  / Chris Somers
compares in importance with leaving this land      / Rise Technology
even a better land for our descendants            / www.rise.com
than it is for us...    (Theodore Roosevelt)     +----------------------------
                                                / Gallery: www.flash.net/~jboy

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