I am interested in photographing a (legal) Falconry demonstration near 
Melbourne, Australia (Healsville Sanctary). I intend to use a F90X
with a 80-200 f2.8. I understand that a longer lens may be necessary
but I have been to the demonstration previously and know that the birds can
fly very close to the audience. The 80-200 will be adequate for many

My question is what mode should I photograph in and what type of film
should I use? I have thought of setting the F90X to shutter priority at
1/500s and use a fast (ISO 400 or above) negative film. I would also
like to set the film transport to high and continous autofocus.

Is this setup reasonable? I thought a negative film is warranted
because of the potentially difficult lighting conditions. (I generally 
prefer colour reversal film). My other concern is whether the autofocus
would keep up with release priority. Any other suggestions would be
appreciated. Thanks.


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