Hi Chris and fellow Nikon users,

>       Woohoo!!!!  F100.

  Yeah.  I wouldn't have guessed.  Oh well......I suppose its Nikon's answer
to the Canon EOS 3 challenge.  Oops, or was I not supposed to have said
that? <grin> 

>       http://www.nikonusa.com/products/photography/F100/f100.html
>       Can anyone say for sure that with what appears to be an
>       interchangeable finder ? whether it has Aperture Direct
>       Readout (ADR), like the F5?  Is the finder indeed changeable?

  From the picture, it seem like its a revamped F90X with fancy body coating
and snazzy (albeit scaled down) F5 functions.  Doesn't seem to have either
ADR (there's no little gutter/window for the ADR) or interchangeable
viewfinders (notice the 2 screws underneath the prism housing like the F90X?).

>       I would care less about the changeable finder, but ADR would
>       be a very welcome feature.  They are touting this as a pro

  Hmm...don't know about the usefulness of ADR as the f/ stop is shown on
the LCD for AF lenses.  Unless you intend to use manual lenses, ADR is
pretty much a "nice to have but not needed" feature.  Then again, if you're
going to use mostly manual lenses.....I think the FM2n is heaps cheaper.
Also, ADR is good for those bright/fair days.  Have you tried to shoot in
near darkness with a F3?  I could hardly make out the f/ stop on the ADR.  I
really enjoy the backlit LCD (on viewfinder and near dial) on the F90X,
though.  Also, for some lenses, the minimum f/stop changes as you zoom
in/out and ADR can be misleading for this purpose.  Personally, unless you
use mostly manual or constant f/ stop lenses, I think ADR is over-rated.

>       Someone already posted no MLU...

  Don't really need it if its got the viewfinder curtain (like on F90X) as
it blocks out most light coming into the eye-piece.  Besides, the mirror is
very well damped that vibrations are kept to an absolute minimum.  With a
fairly stable tripod (which you should have to use when doing macros
anyway), the benefits of MLU is insignificant.

>       Very excited here.  As an N90(non-s) owner, this is looking
>       like a fantastic upgrade for me.

  Yeah, seems so.  It would appear to me that Nikon has really outdone
itself and came up with a camera that is desirable in all aspects.  Although
it doesn't fulfil the 1001 "what I wish for in a semi-pro Nikon", I suppose
it comes darn close.  Hey, afterall, you can't please everybody, eh!  If its
priced below US$1,300 (the cost of a new F5 was as low as US$2,000 in
Singapore), I'd say they have a good candidate for Camera Of The Year.

Deric Soh.

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