I have a question that perhaps you may have a solution.

There are times when I travel or am at some kind of party
(ie, weddings, etc.) when I would like to include myself within
the photo using the same high quality Nikon equipment that I
use for others.  Most times, I do not carry along a tripod,
so I need to ask some passing person to do the favor.

I could set the camera on automatic, give a 20 second
tutorial on shooting Nikon cameras, get set for the
picture, smile while I pray that the person is selecting
the right target to activate the auto-focus and
auto-exposure, then position the camera for proper
composition.  That seems to work "reasonably" well.

And, there are times when I'm carrying the manual
Nikon (camera and/or lens) that it's a real random event.
(Thank heavens for TTL flash....it cuts out one variable.)

I don't always carry my P&S, and even then, it's
only a fair camera compared to the "bang" one can
pull off with a decent Nikon lens and professional film.

Christmas and New Years is coming up and ...... you get
the idea.

Can anyone suggest a technique?  If it's non-Nikon
related, please feel free to e-mail.

Ron Hashiro
Honolulu, HI

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