REGARDING            Hood suggestion

My first Nikkor lens was a 28-80 4.5-5.6D with a 58 mm thread.  I've since added the 
AF lenses a 80-200 2.8D, 50 1.8, 24 2.8 D, and a manual AIS 35 2.8.  This gives me 
lenses with three filter sizes (52, 58, and 77).  I've decided to standardize on two 
filter sizes; 52mm for 52mm and 77 for any lens that has a filter thread sized larger 
than 52.  So I plan to put a step up (58-77) ring on my 28-80.   
What hood (Nikon or other) should I use on my 28-80 that won't vignette on the wide 
end?.  I have a N70 so I can't check for vignetting through the viewfinder.

Thanks for your help.


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