Sun, 14 Feb 1999, "Michael L. Palmieri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote on the Nikon Digest:

>I have an AF 24mm 2.8 with a UV filter on it.  
>I picked up a Nikon HN-1 and I am noticing a 
>slight bit on vignettng.
>Is there a different filter that works better 
>on the 24 with a filter?


Two things to know about the 24 f2.8/HN-1 combo:

1) Have you noticed that that HN-1 is threaded to accept a filter itself?
Rather than mounting the filter onto the lens then mounting the HN-1 on the
filter, mount the HN-1 onto the lens then screw the filter into the hood's

2) If you're using a brand of filter other than a Nikon L37c or L1Bc that
has a thick mounting ring, you'll likely experience vignetting.  You really
need a Nikon filter or one of the 'thin-mount' third-party filters for the
24mm f2.8.

I hope this helps,
Mark Peterson

Mark Peterson
Ames, Iowa, USA

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