> Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 09:02:01 -0500
> From: "Colin Povey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Nikon wish list [v04.n248/5]
> Message: 5
> 5. Better instruction manuals. Hire the people who produce the Magic
> Lantern series to write the official manuals.
> Any other input?
> Colin

The manuals for my Nikon F4Es weren't bad, but the one for my SB-24 flash was rarely
useful. I made the mistake of buying the (then) Hove book on the F4. It was simply a 
mish-mash of the original F4E manual and wasn't worth the paper it was printed on.

Once bitten, twice shy, so I had a good look at the SB-24 book. Within minutes, it was
clear that it was totally useless. instead of current or former Nikon UK personnel
writing the books, they'd be much more useful if they were written by working pros who
use the equipment day in and day out.

Until that happens I'll never buy any of these books again.

Jeff Rankin-Lowe

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