Jonathan Castner said:

Amen brother!  Remember that the majority of people owning top-of-the-line
gear are not hard working professionals, but weekend shooters who think that
having an F5 will make their boring pictures somehow better............

I had my first experience in photography in 1951 (13 years old) when I would
go to my uncle's studio and use his Speed Graphic and darkroom (under his
assistance).  My father gave me my first camera, a Vôightlander (used) in
1952 and my first darkroom when I was 15.  I went through many brands until
buying my first Nikon, an F2 .... F3 ..... F90X ,,,, and today I am a proud
owner of a F5.  I am not a professional photographer, but a semi retired
consulting engineer.  I enjoy my equipment, including a FM2N backup and
20/2.8D, 20-35/2.8D, 35/2, 35-70/2.8D, 85/1.8, 80-200/2.8DN Nikon lens,
immensely and have taken 1st prize, NO MONEY, in several contests.  People
that say similar things are just showing there envy in not having being the
proud owners of the best.


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