Hi there !

Concerning your interrogation on wide-angle zoom lenses or stand alone
lenses, my recommendation is to go with stand alone lenses. Zooms are more
convenient but, you will NEVER get the same sharpest image as the regular
stand alone lens.

I made the experience and my friend and me went to a tought lens test two
weeks ago comparing zoom to regular lenses and no question about it, regular
stand alone lenses are the best. It's just that nobody has the same
experience (and money !) as Nikon to build very sharp zooms. There's some
few exceptions...

Now, on the other side, because you are shooting wide angle, the precision
may not be as important as macrophotography (depth of field question) but,
in my opinion, I always want the sharpest pictures, even with wide angle

The Nikkor wide angle lenses are the best on the market so, go for it !

Marc Martineau, a true Nikon fan !

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