
>Joffrey Wallaart said: <<Bottom line: 80% of the people owning an F5 (or
>EOS1- don't need it IMHO

Eric Cabebe replied:
> I know that there is nothing in the camera that will improve my pictures
or my composition.

I think this was, originally,  the point: we take the picture, the camera,
sure, helps.

> I'm just tired of hearing non-F5 owners telling everyone on the list that
they don't need the camera they
> bought.  I'm still the deciding factor on what picture I get when I press
the shutter button.

I'm equally tired of anyone telling people that they can't take good
pictures with a (today) basic camera like the F50!! Everywhere I see people
telling newbies that they have to spend as much money as they can in the
best equipment. To some extent that's true, but on the other hand, a person
with a casual interest in photography can get lots of pleasure from even a
P&S camera. The point now is that this pleasure is, at least for me,
important. Should I have the bucks to invest in an F5, maybe I would, even
when I know I don't "need" it; but spending the little money I have
available in an F50 just to listen to all the so called pros tell me it's
useless, and then listen them scream they (not the camera) take the
pictures, just pisses me off!! 

Eric D. Doncel wrote: 
>Not to improve on my picture taking, but for my own satisfaction (i.e.,
because I DESERVED IT).  

It's the same reason I spend my money in an F50. It's just I hadn't enough
money. :-)  You bet I take good pictures out of it!!

Then Don wrote:
>My personal opinion is that there's not much
>difference in snobbery based on using expensive
>equipment, and snobbery based on using cheap

I agree.

>Anyone who assumes that either
>piece of equipment is a reflection on the
>attitudes or abilities of the person behind
>it is a fool.

This is a funny thread, isn't it? It seems we al agree at this point!!

Sorry about the long post. 
In the end, what's the difference between the F5 and the F50. Just one 0...

Patricio Murphy
Buenos Aires, Argentina

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