Well I felt I had to reply to the suggestions being made concerning people
who use a Nikon F5.

I used to own an F90X and had nothing but trouble with it. After numerous
repairs I opted to trade it on an F5. I am not a professional, I didn't buy
it to impress anyone, I never expected it to improve the composition or
quality of my images, I purchased it because as soon as I picked it up I
knew it was the right camera for me. It sat in my hand comfortably, balanced
and steady in a way that no other camera had done before.

Sure it has features that I will never make use of, but it will last me a
lifetime. Compared to my experiences with the F90X, the F5 has been a joy to
use. Everytime I pick it up I want to go out and take more and more photo's.

There is a camera out there for everyone. The F5 may not be yours but so
what. Get on with it and use the camera you want and stop running down
others for the tools they use to create images. It is after all just a

Just my humble opinion.

Mike Harper

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