> I'm hoping to travel to Tanzania this summer 
        > . . . . I need to buy some second hand MF lenses.  
        > Bearing in mind that the majority of my work 
        > will be journalistic - i.e. photos of people 
        > and places visited - what should I get. 

        It mostly depends on your personal 'style' of 

        > My current idea is to choose a few lenses 
        > from the following list:
        > 20mm/2.8
        > 24mm/2.8
        > 50mm/1.4
        > 50mm/1.8
        > 85mm/1.8
        > 85mm/2
        > 105mm/2.5
        > 180mm/2.8
        > 200mm/4

        How few is a few?

        The minimum I'd probably want to take would 
        be:  20mm/f2.8, 35mm/f2, 85mm/f1.8 and either
        the 180mm/f2.8 or 200mm/f4.  

        I realize that the 35mm wasn't on your list.
        I prefer the 35mm over the 50mm for groups or 
        for indoors where distances are shorter, and 
        prefer the 85mm over the 50mm outdoors or for 
        individuals.  That's just my opinion, but what 
        else could I give you?

        If you like the 50mm better than the 35mm,
        You could go with the 20mm, 24mm, 50mm, 105mm, 
        and either a 180mm or 200mm and not have any big 
        gaps in your coverage.  The 20mm and 24mm are 
        pretty close together though -- maybe a 28mm would 
        be better?

        If cost is a factor in how many lenses you can
        take, get the 200 instead of the 180.  An extra
        lens is almost always more useful than an extra
        stop.  The 180's a killer lens though.


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