Chris Sommers wrote:

| Makes me envious too -- this past weekend my fiancee' and I were
| up at Tule and Lower Klamath Nat'l Wildlife Refuges.  I'm slowly
| easing the truck over rough dirt roads in the fields, and she's
| shooting hand-held out the window with the 300/4 IS and 1.4x TC.
| Got most of the slides back already, and she got _sharp_ results
| (it is NOT a "soft" lens)

        I know it's not a soft lens, maybe it's even better than our old AF
300/4, but when I said soft I was trying to say that it is softer than it's
non-is counterpart (I assume I did not made myself clear... :-)

| BUT, it does have wonderful applications, and it WORKS.

        Yes, it does, I agree. I just don't think that this is enough to
make one switch from Nikon to Canon or even to buy an EOS body...

| Canon has a 28-135 zoom lens with IS.  What a *great* travel
| lens!  Think of all those places where you're not allowed to
| use tripods (interiors of cathedrals, etc.) and being able
| to hand-hold at 1/8s (at the 28mm end).  Or being able to
| stop down a couple stops to get more DOF and better sharpness
| (if the light levels said 1/30s at f3.5, you could actually
| get a *sharper* result by shooting at 1/8s and f7 -- more DOF
| and better optical performance).

        You're right, although a 28~70/2.8 would provide even better
results. Yes, it's not a great travel lens and a 24~120mm VR would be such a
thing, but IMHO nikoneers misses Tilt & Shift lenses much more than VR ones,
what do you think?

  Luiz F. Coimbra                                 >>>
  <<<                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Icq - 801728                                      >>>

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