> 1. From what I know the FM2n differs from 
        > the FM2 in the X-speed which got changed to 
        > 1/250 sec (as opposed to 1/200 sec). When 
        > did that take place (1983 ?) and where there 
        > any other changes made ???  (Didn't they
        > also change the shutter material to aluminum ?) 
        > Are there any serial#s to avoid ?

        Yeah, they changed the shutter again later on.   
        I don't think it makes a difference in quality 
        -- they just wanted to have one set of parts 
        that they could use in two different cameras.  
        The faster sync speed of the FM2n makes it more
        desirable than the FM2, but all of the FM2n's 
        are good. 

        > 2. How does the 2/85 mm (MF) compare to the 
        > 1.8/85mm ?  Which one is older ? Which one 
        > should I get ?

        The manual focus 85mm/f1.8 is older than the 
        85mm/f2.  The f1.8 won't work on the FM2 unless 
        it's converted to AI.  It's probably worth the 
        trouble though.  It's an excellent lens.  

        I heard/read that the 85mm/f2's contrast was 
        deliberately reduced to make it a better portrait 
        lens -- I don't know if it's true.  If it is I'd 
        pass on it.  It's a lot easier to reduce contrast 
        when using a lens with high definition than to 
        increase it with a lens that lacks definition.

        The AF 85mm/f1.8 is probably the best 85mm of the 
        lot. I borrowed one at the camera store once and 
        took a few pictures out in the parking lot (I'm
        trying to decide whether to keep my old 85mm/f1.8,
        replace it with an AF 85mm/f1.8 or replace it with
        an 85mm/f1.4).  

        The few pictures I shot with it are utterly perfect.
        Unless cost or the feel of the AF's manual focus
        rule it out, I'd recommend it over either the MF
        85mm/f1.8 or 85mm/f2.0.

        > 3. For low light I'd like to get an affordable 
        > high-speed lens, any suggestions ? How about the
        > 1.4/50mm ??

        It's not a bad lens -- despite what I suspect 
        you'll hear from others.  The f1.8 is a bit 
        better, especially in terms of distortion.

        > 4. What should I know about buying a used MD12 
        > motor ?  Any problems ?

        Nah.  I've never seen a broken MD-11 or MD-12 --
        But here's how it ought to behave so you can 
        check it out: 

        Put it on the camera set the shutter speed above
        125 and fire a few frames in S (single) and C 
        (continuous) modes to make sure the S/C switch is 
        OK.  The MD-12 winds immediately in both modes, 
        the MD-11 waits for you to release the button 
        before it winds in S mode.

        Then turn the motor off pull the camera's advance
        lever out and release the shutter with the release 
        on the camera, push the cameras advance lever back 
        in and turn the motor on -- it should wind 

        With the 12, the camera's meter should come on
        when you partially depress the release on the
        motor, then turn off after a few seconds.  The 
        11 turns the meter on whenever the motor is on.

        The only thing you need to avoid doing with the 
        MD-12 and MD-11 (except on some older FMs that 
        have a different switch for the motor) is taking 
        a picture when the camera's advance lever is in 
        the on position and the motor is also on.  It 
        tends to confuse the motor and you have to take 
        the it off the camera, wind the film manually, 
        and then put the motor back on.  It helps if you
        mumble obscenities under your breath while doing

        I developed the unfortunate habit of doing that 
        because my old FM has the motor switch around the 
        shutter release, so the position of the advance 
        lever has no effect on how the motor works.  I 
        always left the lever pulled out so I could get
        to the shutter speed dial easily.  20 years later 
        I still do it at least once in every roll of film 
        I shoot with my (somewhat rarely used) FM2n.

        FWIW, my first MD-11 is still cranking away with 
        utter regularity after pulling close to a thousand
        rolls of film through three different cameras over 
        the last 20 years.  I've never even sent it off to 
        be cleaned/inspected.  

        I have had to replace the batteries in it a couple 
        of times though ;O)


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