Hello everyone!

I am looking for a 50mm f:1.4, and I have seen that there are several
versions. I have seen that there are several versions of this lens.
According to the subjective evaluation of David Ruether, the AIS model is
better optically than the non AI.
I assume that optically there is no difference between the AI and the AIS
model. My worry is how can I distinguish a 50mm AI from a 50mm non-AI (to
distinguish AIS is quite easy).

Can someone tell me how could differentiate these models, and if he/she
agrees with David Ruether on that the AIS is better optically.....

Another question is about an old 35-70 f3.5 zoom I have. This zoom is AI,
and it has 72mm of filter diameter.  I read a very nice article by Foo
Leonard where he states that a 35-70 f3.5 zoom AIS and 62mm diameter for
filters was very good.
This made me wonder about my zoom..... Has anyone any experience or
knowledge about my lens??

I would appreciate any feedback

Thank you very much


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