Hi All,

Colin wrote: >>5. Better instruction manuals. Hire the people who
produce the Magic Lantern series to write the official manuals.<<

        I am all for that! Getting used to Nikons after being an Olympus moonie
is a paradigm shift, and the Magic Lantern books are excellent. I have
found that Moose Peterson has already answered most of my questions with
his books, and will answer a direct and polite question. This is also
true of Thom Hogan, who has written one of the most useful camera books
in his "Nikon Field Guide". I bought a second copy the other day so that
both camera bags have a copy living on board.

        My request to Nikon would be to find a way to cut costs slightly,
without affecting quality and performance, especially with the minor
accessories. A Nikon lens hood should not cost three times that of a
bayonet hood for a Vivitar.

        On a last note, I went out to shoot some exposures of old barns the
other day, using my inherited N6006. I tried to compose two shots, but
became frustrated by the camera running in "P" mode. So, I shifted to
"S", unclutched the aperture ring, and went to manual focus, and started
using the camera as if it were a FE or F3. The results? The exposures
taken with the camera on automatic and auto-focus were insipid. The
following shots were much better.
        What does this mean? Well, it's either my past experience, and
preference for manual cameras coming through, or a commentary of how
shooting manual vs automatic/autofocus works for me.
        Adios amigos.

                                Bill Hilburn Jr.

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