On Fri, 19 Feb 1999, Owen P. Evans wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> In January I asked Nikon if it was permitted to use Lithium's in my F4s. A
> resounding NO was the reply. Lithiums are ok in F5; SB-26; SB-28; and F100.
> What is your source of information on this subject?
> Owen
> " By concentrating on precision, one arrives at technique;
> But by concentrating on technique, one does not arrive at
> precision."


OOPS! I meant the N90S, sometimes my fingers and my brain refuse to
cooperate. Here's the post I was referring to (this was from Ed Yost who
used to work for Nikon and therefore that's why he signs it with
Nikon,Inc.) This post is from 1995 so that's why there is no mention of
the F5, SB-28 or F100:


>>Umm, according to the Nikon rep I spoke with on the 1-800-NIKON-US line,
>>they had indeed done extensive testing with Lithium AA's in the N90s and
>>they have concluded that it would not be in their best interest to
>>recommend using Lithium AA's in an N90s.


>That's not exactly correct. The official statement from the factory is as 

>AA-type lithium batteries can be used in the N90s camera. AA-type lithium 
>batteries are not recommended for any other Nikon cameras including the 
>N90. In addition, AA-type lithiums can be used with the following

>- -SB-24 Speedlight
>- -SB-25 Speedlight
>- -SB-26 Speedlight
>- -SB-27 Speedlight
>- -MB-10 battery pack when used with the N90s
>- -SK-6 Power Bracket
>- -SD-8 Battery Pack.

>Sorry for any confusion,

>Ed Yost
>Nikon, Inc.

Sorry, if I caused confusion. Originally, people thought they could not
use Lithiums in their N90s cameras because they could not be used in the
N90. It took a while before everyone got into sync with the fact that you
could, in fact use lithiums in the N90s.

Scott D. Burnside

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