After all these years of watching enviously some of the
C developments (from which N learned enough that with the 
F100 for the first time since the N8008, of two competing
bodies the N wins imo), I am going to try to use both
systems to exploit the best lenses and features of each.

For me this means IS and TSE lenses which are clearly missing
in N. For other lenses, the choice is less clear, though
17-35 (I know the N 20-35 might be slighly better, but its not 17),
70-210 (I found N 80-200 to be bigger and heavier).
This way I won't have to miss my Nikons !

After all, why one should be stuck with one system ?
 the only real investment is an EOS body
(I would have bought the lenses in the N line if they 
existed anyway), and even the cheap EOS are good.
I hope that won't be more confusing than using several
formats, which I do already. Do other people on this list
use C equipment as well ?


Q.-Tuan Luong, Computer scientist at SRI, +1(650)859-5138
check out my climbing and mountain photography at

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