"Luiz F. Coimbra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote

You're right, although a 28~70/2.8 would provide even better
results. Yes, it's not a great travel lens and a 24~120mm VR
would be such a
thing, but IMHO nikoneers misses Tilt & Shift lenses much more
than VR ones,
what do you think?

Depends on one's interests for sure. Myself, I have no especial
interest in T&S lenses.
I am becoming increasingly disenchanted with N's apparent
obstinacy to update their old lens lineup to AF and refusal to
introduce IS. Years after AF was introduced, still no 400mm F/5.6
AF Nikkor. The Nikkor 300mm f/4 will not AF with N's TC's. Mirror
lockup only available on the F5 and then only a hard to use
(archaic IMO) lever-style rather than a truly useful pre-release
that could be practical with truly long lenses. Heck, the old
Nikkormat did MLU better than that! In all these respects,
important to me and obviously not so to some others, C is out in

I am unsure of the exact market N is catering to but it surely
isn't the nature photog. set. Canon seems light years ahead in
every category of lens and body feature that is important to me.
As I've said before, I can not afford to dump all my Nikon stuff
accumulated over the past 30 years but were I starting over from
scratch, C would be my choice today. And yes, contrary to the
opnions of others, I feel the Canon 300mm f/4 IS is an excellent
reason to buy an EOS body. Used with the C EF-14 TC, it offers
you both IS and AF at 420mm f/5.6. Sure is attractive to this
bird photographer and sure is absolutely unavailable from Ma N.

Terence A. Danks
Nova Scotia, Canada

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