Hi Mike,

> There is a camera out there for everyone. The F5 may not be yours but so
> what. Get on with it and use the camera you want and stop running down
> others for the tools they use to create images. It is after all just a
> tool......
> Just my humble opinion.
> Mike Harper

        Damn fine opinion amigo; right to the point. 
        If you ever find yourself near Stockton, Ca., drop me a note, and we'll
drink coffee and talk about cameras. Not about the mechanisms merely,
but why we acquire them, why we have a need for the medium, and what we
try to say with them (and what they say about us). You know, all the
stuff we can't talk about on the Nikon list, even though we do it with
Nikon cameras.
        Adios amigo, and keep the opinions coming.

                        Bill Hilburn Jr.

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