On Fri, 19 Feb 1999 14:43:54 +1300 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(nikon-digest) wrote:

>Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 12:18:42 -0700
>From: "Richard D Scherrer http://northernexposuresphoto.com"
>Subject: Re: nikon-digest V4 #253 IS [v04.n255/1]
>Message: 1
>List Members,
>This IS thing is really a bazaar concept indeed. A "lighter Cheaper" lense
>that is actually much heavier and much more expensive (compared to other
>slow f 4.5 optics  which they are). A lense that is 2 stops slower that
>employs expensive technology to make it operate like a lense that is 2
>stops faster...WOW that really boggles the mind !!!

Actually, f/4 is only one stop slower than f/2.8. or do you use an old 300/2?

>Nikon has an answer to
>this lense already...it is called Fast Optics (2.8 and faster)

So far as I know a 300/2.8 is a hell of a lot heavier, and a hell of a lot more
expensive, than the 300/4 L IS.  And a hell of a lot more difficult to handhold.
  • IS Richard D Scherrer http://northernexposuresphoto.com

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