Dear Digest Members:

In Digest number 252 there was a post that described placing a filter on
the HN-1 rather than in the lens and then placing the hood onto the lens
directly. Well I received my "new" Nikkor 24mm f/2.8 (AIS), a HN-1 Lens
hood and a Nikon  L37 UV filter. I have tried every way imaginable to place
the filter on the hood and have had no success. How do you accomplish this
feet? I do not see any vignetting thru the camera, but who knows what the
frame will pick up when the shutter is snapped ? This seems like one heck
of a good way to circumvent vignetting, but, at least in my configuration,
it does not seem to work.

All help will be appreciated.

Thanks, & 73,


Alan K. Unangst, WC7R
Phone: (520) 445-1465 / FAX (520) 445-5755

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