I bought a used but mint 300mm f4 AF/ED at a local camera show here in North
Jersey.  This lens did not have a filter in the 39mm drawer when I bought
it. . . .

Thanks to everyone who responded to my post re: my filter problem.  From
everyone's feedback I can deduce the following:

1) The 300mm F4 is supplied with two filter drawers. One screw in and one
for gel filters.

2) My used lens only has the gel drawer.

3) B&H Photo could not supply me with a replacement Nikon drawer (per Henry

4) Kirk photo markets their replacement filter drawer for $109 (a little
steep I think)

5) There is a mixed opinion as to whether a filter is required at all.

6) Based on #5 above I am vacillating about buying #4 above.

7) I don't really need my F5 (see comment below)

Thanks again for everyone's advice and real world, hands-on opinions.  It's
what makes this list of such value.

And BTW, I'm one of those F5 owners who absolutely doesn't "need" it.  Need
is not the issue.  I held it, I fondled it.  It felt good, it looked good.
I can afford it - so I own it.  If anyone has a problem with that they can
go crap in their hats!  Take your opinions to alt.psycho.get_a_life!  Your
arguments on this topic could be directed at anyone who owns a vehicle other
than a Ford escort and is pure nonsense.  Lets keep this list objective and
focused on photographic issues pertaining to Nikon products and stop chewing
up bandwidth with subjective babble.  (I tried really hard to refrain but I
just couldn't resist!)

Pete Treible

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