
I would recommend to you the 85mm f/1.8 or maybe the 
85mm f/1.4 (the latter is much more expensive).
I use this lens for pictures of open iar rock/pop 
concerts and similar events, handheld on 400 ASA film.

With the lighting conditions you describe, you may be
able to use even 200 ASA films (BTW, the new Kodak Elite
Chrome 200 is excellent).

I totally disagree with the poster who said you should
get the 80-200 f/2.8; in the lighting conditions we're
speaking of, 2.8 is A LOT darker than 1.8; besides that,
the 80-200 is much heavier ==> more camera shake.

If 85mm is not long enough, you should give the 105/2
a try, probably (I don't own that lens and have never
used it.) At any rate, the 80-200 f/2.8, excellent as
it is, is not the type of lens suitable for this
application IMO.

Regards and good shooting

-Philipp Leibfried

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