>Sure IS is a great thing in Video cameras so that the playback is stable.
>No one wants to see video image dancing around the screen. For still
>photography however it is a clever marketing gimmick and nothing more.
>Let me try to make this clear and simple. I don't need a tripod either
>when I am shooting with am f 2.8 lense and don't have to compromise
>sharpness either.

But there still remains the issue of weight and cost. A 300/2.8 is 3 times
the cost of the 300/4L IS, and 3 times the weight.  In most situations
I'll be glad to sacrafice a little sharpness and a little DOF for a lens
I can actually afford, carry, and shoot hand-held with (in lower light
levels than possible with the 300/2.8).

And can you shoot hand-held with the 400/2.8? Probably not nearly as well
as you can with the 300/4 and 1.4 teleconverter.  
  • IS Richard D Scherrer http://northernexposuresphoto.com
    • Re: IS brhashiz
    • Bryce Robert Hashizume

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