I have been a quiet listener since V4#108 and have learned a great deal
since.  Having never taken an SLR picture prior to my N70 purchase, this
list has been invaluable.  Some things just do not seem to be documented
anywhere and can only be learned through experience, so now I call upon your

I have an N70 and did a few mid-roll changes assuming the frames would be
'lined up' the same upon each reload.  Is that a bad assumption?  Do I need
to have them hand indexed?  Should I skip a frame upon each reload in the

For those of you who are interested, it is quite easy to leave the film
leader out on the N70.  I only do it in SL mode (silent rewind) since it
rewinds more slowly.  Start the rewind and watch the counter with your
finger planted firmly on the back release.  3, 2, 1, 0, (imagine) -1, open
on -2!  Works perfectly.  (You must then close the back and rewind again
before loading another roll.)

I can't seem to crack the RTFM shorthand, can someone spell it out for me?

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