>I hate to do this, but I must point out that motion picture images are
>no where near as critical, in terms of sharpness, as still pictures.
>Why? Since the image is moving, you could never see the ultimate

I agree.  I have had still images chosen for use in vidoes, and I was
initially ashamed of the images as they were unsharp from focus and a long
exposure.  When put into NTSC format the photos amazingly popped out and
looked better than they ever had been.

>In fact, I recently ran into a web site where a guy had gone out and
>bought filters from all the major brands (Nikon, B&W, Heliopan,
>Tiffen, Hoya, etc.), as well as some no-name brands.

Can you post the site so we can go see it for ourselves?  I have found
Heliopan to be best (for me) and Nion second, B+W has too much of a cast
over the image for my taste.


> This is a nikon specific site, wish you would keep your canon propaganda
>off here.

Canon owners are like religious zealots!  "Don't test the waters of any
other god, you may discover something wrong with yours!"  I have been to
camera shows with my F5 and the C folks say i ought to trade it is for am
EOS-1, etc.  I told them I used to have an A2 (true) and they think I
traded my soul to the devil.

>I did play with the EOS 3 (What on earth does eos mean
>anyway) for 30 minutes at the local camera store, and all I could do was

The EOS is cute, but I need metal.  That's the end of that!  Oh, know what
EOS means?  canon owners hate this...EOS is a Greek God who lives in mount
OLYMPUS.  How dare Canan use Olympus as a foundation for its camera line!

Robert in Redlands

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