>After all, why one should be stuck with one system ?
> the only real investment is an EOS body
>(I would have bought the lenses in the N line if they 
>existed anyway), and even the cheap EOS are good.
>I hope that won't be more confusing than using several
>formats, which I do already. Do other people on this list
>use C equipment as well ?

I used to use the F2A and when it was stolen by JEFF NEWELL from
CINCINATTI, OHIO I replaced it with a Canon F-1.  The lenses focused in the
opposite direction, but the F-1 was built like a tank.  Later on I went to
the F3 (new at the time) and stayed there for a few years.  After a bit I
got the T90, one quite good manual Canon, and had the F3 and N2000 as well.
 The hard part came when I decided to buy another lens...for what camera?
I could go Tamron and get an adaptall mount, but I wanted the
manufacturer's lens.  After some pains I sold the T90.  Supporting two
systems was like supporting two ex-wives.  

After a time I got the N8008 and F4, then went to Leica since I got a great
deal on a trade.  later I traded the Leica for Nikon again, then to Canon
for the EOS A2 and 35-350, quite a lens.  But the body did not meet my
needs, so I dumped the Canon line.

They both make good stuff, bt I think Nikon is more for endurance rather
than finesse.  The Nikon is the AK47 of the camera line, a little klunky
but very reliable.  I can think of no job that they both could not covere,
although I would not take an EOS to Bosnia, there are no lithium batteries
to be had there!


>Now to get on my soap box:  Why do we have to resort to off brand
>teleconverters and extension tubes?  Why doesn't Nikon make them?

I agree!  Why is there no 400/5.6 AF for folks?  Why do they need to go to
off brands for that lens?  What if you like the 135mm length, your only
choice is a thousand dollar 135/2D DC lens.  No 135/3.5AF!  Nikon with the
SB24 finally started making god flash units, it took them long enough!  Why
there is no TC with pass through connections I will never know.  I think
Nikon believes they have all the market they want, the rest of the folks
can buy zoom lenses and macro lenses only.

Robert in Redlands

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