>I've seen several references here to Moose Peterson, and I've
>his website.  One nagging question. Does he work for Nikon, or
is he
>independent? I know he's a fine photographer...but I do wonder
if his
>opinions about Nikon are truly unbiased (he did, of course, have
a F-100
>for testing purposes long before the rest of us).

Yes, Moose is "on the payroll" for N. To what extent he "sells
his soul" in offering opinions about N's hardware is a moot point
I suppose. No doubt he is an honourable man but can hardly be
called a "disinterested" party in assessing equipment. Arthur
Morris, noted bird photographer, holds a similar relationship
with Canon, BTW. I have just finished reading one of his most
recent books and he does a fine job IMO of staying clear of any
truly unseemly partisanship. I have only read Moose's Nikon
Handbook, which is a different sort of work entirely. Still there
is no reason to impugn the man's integrity over his Nikon
sponsorship I guess. I certainly wouldn't in any event.
Both men are likely too intelligent to do anything stupid, like
engage in N vs C debates.
If you are interested in N hardware, I certainly recommend
Moose's Handbook for browsing.
Terence A. Danks
Nova Scotia, Canada

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