Whether or not he works for Nikon, who really knows but them.  Certainly
there is some kind of synergistic relationship going on since he writes and
is published about Nikon, uses Nikon (and others), reviews Nikon.  I am sure
that all of this has been a factor in the sale of alot of Nikon equipment,
probably Tokina, Sigma and others as well.  He may very well be biased for
reasons beyond compensation from Nikon and the privileges he probably
enjoys.  The reasons are as you observed, he is independent and makes his
living producing images and my conclusion is that the equipment he uses is
what he finds to be best for him and his work.  Personally, I don't care
about all of that and while it has occured to me that he may receive special
favors or monetary incentives from Nikon, so what.  Some of my equipment was
purchased based upon his review or recommendation and what he stated has
been accurate for me.  Naturally, I feel I spent my money wisely and were it
not for Moose I may have made a differenct choice and been disappointed.  I
like to make good first choices and rely on the expertise and opinions of
others to gather as much information as possible.   And if it means Moose is
benefitting from that in some way....well I have too, so has the
manufacturer and in my view it makes no difference because it is me and me
only who needs to be pleased with the outcome.  And I am!
ps: I don't work for Moose and have never met the man.  :)  :)  :)

 Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 19:35:42 -0500
Subject: Moose [v04.n258/9]
Message: 9

I've seen several references here to Moose Peterson, and I've enjoyed
his website.  One nagging question. Does he work for Nikon, or is he
independent? I know he's a fine photographer...but I do wonder if his
opinions about Nikon are truly unbiased (he did, of course, have a F-100
for testing purposes long before the rest of us).

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