
> After all, why one should be stuck with one system ?
> Q.-Tuan Luong, Computer scientist at SRI, +1(650)859-5138

        An excellent point. The majority of my work was done with OM cameras,
but I have begun the process of turning to Nikon, a dynamic move that is
broadening my perspectives. Does this mean I am going to sell or ignore
my OM equipment? Not a chance!
         I did a series of group photos today, under cloudy skies, using a FE
with the 24-50mm f3.5 AF Nikkor and a 51A filter, and the N6006 with
50mm f/1.8 AF and a polarizer. Though I was shooting for free, it will
give me both an audience and a learning experience. If I had dropped one
of the Nikons, or had a battery go flat, my backup was a OM-2n; a very
old and reliable friend. If both Nikons had flat tires, there was the
OM-1 I bought after coming back from Vietnam, a great camera despite the
battery problem (it helps to have friends in Vancouver). If my F3 was
not being rebuilt by Nikon, the FE would have been in my bag, and I
would have left the OM gear at home. But, we never get to choose the
timing of these situations.
        Why am I attracted to Nikon? Well, it is in partly related to the
number of pros and PJs I have known, who spell the word camera as
"Nikon", and partly because of a lack of associates who shoot Canon.
Also, the Nikon system is pretty amazing in it's range and attention to
detail. And yes, I did admit to a lack of experience with every camera
in the world here; something seldom done when discussing photo
equipment.<GG> I did not go out and buy a Nikon because of my
omniscience; my move was prompted by a friend who died and left me the
N6006. But, with one in hand, it was easy to see what the Nikon-philes
had been talking about. Who knows, I may meet an enthusiastic
Canon-phile tomorrow, who convinces me to make my next camera purchase
from the big "C". One never knows, but if I do, it is because I judge
cameras by quality, not by brand name.
        Here is an idea for those who do not know what camera to buy. If you
live in a major market location, any city with a population over 250K,
you can usually find a shop that rents pro quality equipment. You may
not be able to find the newest of any camera line, or any examples of
the minor or vastly expensive brands, but if you want to try the generic
Nikon or Canon, this is one way to shoot, and not be shooting in the
        Adios mi familia.

                                Bill Hilburn Jr.

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