I'll be hosting an informal Nikon equipment chat on the Yahoo Wildlife
Photography club on Sunday, February 28, 1999 at 4 pm North American
Eastern Standard Time (which according to the Time Zone Page is 9 pm
GMT, 10 pm in France, 6 am in Japan and eastern Australia e.g. Sydney,
and 8 am in Auckland).

It will be about Nikon equipment in general, including lens
compatibilities, body capabilities, lens selection, etc.  I am not as
expert at Nikon as many of you, but (in large part thanks to this
list, and Moose Peterson's excellent Nikon System Handbook) I know
quite a lot about how the Nikon system works.

There are two reasons I post this here:

1)  If you have questions about the Nikon line, you can ask someone
live instead of having to wait for the answers to filter in.
2)  Many of you are very capable Nikon experts with specific expertise
that I have not acquired (I have never actually used an Fx body, nor
the data link system that the F90/F90x/F100/F5 can use), and I could
use your help!  :)

For those of you in Oceania, feel free to drop by later in the morning
if this is too ungodly.  There are more European members of the club
than from Oz/NZ, so we tried to make the time convenient for Europe. 
If I do another, I'll try to do it on a Friday or Saturday night (our
time) so it will be Saturday or Sunday morning (at a godly hour) for

The URL:  http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/wildlifephotography

There is a "chat" area that you can select from that screen.



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