Using a flash bracket, you can get solid flash photo.  When there are
lines of people in 3-4 ft deep try a different technique--bouncing flash
light to a low ceiling.  

I would also maintain F8 (to F11 with tripod) as 90% of the indoor

If you have the luxury to rent a lens, I would rent the 35-70/2.8D (60%
shoots) or the 20-35/2.8D (20% shoots).  They are my favors.  (The other
20% will be with a tele-zoom.)

Regardless of the gear you will use, do a dry run with a roll of ISO 400
on your buddy (or during the wedding rehearsal) at the place and take
note of the camera setting.  This way, you will know what you want on the
wedding day. (or don't want):

Have fun.

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