B. Christopher Mielke asked:
>I'm thinking about purchasing one of these D lenses and wondered which one
>is better.  I currently already have the 24-120, 50 1.8 and 80-200 2.8.
>Which one would round out my system better.


IMO, I'd go with the 20mm even though it will be more money. You already
have a 24mm at the short end of the zoom. I use my 20mm/2.8 AF a lot and I
enjoy the photos that I get from it. Great lens.

BTW, If I'm not mistaken, Nikon has always refered to their lenses that
have 1x magnification as Micro's. I think they reserve the term macro
photography for magnifications greater than 1x.

Terry Graham - Freelance Photographer & Windsurfer
Graham Fine Art Photography

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