>  BTW(II): I'd give my soul for a F3(N) with interchangable viewfinders, 
>      HP-viewfinder, decent LC-display, spot metering and better lighting 
>      facilities. It should, however, have at least 1/4000s - 8s, 1/250 
>      sync, MLU and an attachable MD which doesn't sound like a starting 
>      Concorde...

This sounds like a F4 used in MF, isn't it? It would be much more
compact than a F3+MD4 combo, and more silent too, especially in silent

Serously, I have an FM and would like too to have spot metering, better
viewfinder display, TTL flash metering... but I soon realise that I
might as well get an AF body and turn the AF off.


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