Canon's IS lenses are interesting. I think that the hype about them is very
misleading though.  These lenses are touted as using technology to help in low
light shooting but they really can't replace a brighter lens in those
conditions. Although they do a darn good job of keeping camera motion down so
that hand holding is possible at lower light levels but the critical factor is
rarely the shutter speed for camera motion but for subject motion. Canon's
75-300mm f/4-5.6 zoom will enable you to hand hold it at 1/60th at the long
end and 1/15th at the short end but if you are shooting @ 1/15th then the
subject had better be stationary or you will certainly get blur from it
moving. In comparison, using an 85mm f/1.8 will give me with the same film, a
1/80th and that will keep my subject motion cleaner if there is any.  As for
the 300mm end, using my 80-200 f/2.8  or 180mm f/2.8 would give me a 1/250th
and that would really help subject motion.  As for their 28-135 it's the same
thing. I often use my 50mm f/1.4 to control subject motion where a f/2.8
wouldn't.  These IS lenses will add almost 2 stops worth of holding speed but
it's the 2 stops of speed that you really need or using a monopod or tripod
shouldn't be a problem.  This is another example of how making it easier
doesn't exactly made it better.

Jonathan Castner

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