> Question "2".  I want to add another 
        > lens to my gear and I cannot decide 
        > between these two.  The 135 D F2 DC, 
        > or the 105 2.8 micro.  I am leaning 
        > towards the micro as I "think" it may 
        > be more usefull.  However, I have done 
        > a fair amount of portrait work lately
        > and the 135 DC would be usefull.  Any 
        > feedback on these two lens would be 
        > most helpfull.

        I've used the 105mm/f2 DC for a few months
        now.  It's always on a camera, and goes 
        wherever I go.

        I bought it as just a general-purpose lens , 
        but the DC control actually makes it a pretty 
        good macro lens.  I don't know what's actually 
        going on inside the lens, but on a PN-11 
        extension tube, setting the DC ring to the 
        front position gives the lens a flatter field 
        than the 105mm/f2.8 AI-S macro's.   You can shoot 
        flat copy wide open at f2 without the corners 
        going soft.  I sold my 105mm/f2.8 macro lens 
        after 1 week playing with the 105DC.

        So, If you think that the 135DC will do things
        for you that the 105 macro won't, get the 135mm 
        and some extension tubes.  Unless it's a lot 
        different from the 105DC, it'll do as good a 
        job at macro as the macro lens.


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