Butch wrote:

>This may not be Nikon specific, but I was wondering if 
>anyone is familiar with the longevity of black and white prints from 
>colored negatives. Do they last as long as black and white prints from BW 
>negatives when displayed over long periods of time?


Since I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, I'll approach this from two

If you are asking about true black and white prints, made on black and
white paper, such as Kodak Panalure, which is designed for making B&W
prints from color negatives, the answer is 'YES', assuming that archival
processing procedures are followed when processing the Panalure paper. It's
the paper that lasts, regardless of what kind of film was used to shoot the
original negative.

If you're talking about shooting film such as Kodak's 'new' T400CN film,
which is processed in color chemistry and will allow making a 'B&W' print
on color or black and white paper, the answer is 'MAYBE', depending on
which kind of paper is used. If true B&W paper is used, it will have long
life. If color paper is used, it will have about the same life as any other
color print.

I hope this answeres your question. If not, e-mail me.

Best regards,

Photo Web pages: http://www.inficad.com/~gstewart 

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