Hi Marc and fellow Nikon users,

>Despite these apparent advantages of the FA, the FE-2 is more admired than
>the FA.... and I would like to know if there is some special reason for

  I cannot say exactly why the FE-2 is more sort after (and expensive) than
the FA (which I have owned a couple).  I can only speculate and here's what
the FE-2 has over the FA:
1)  On manual settings, the FE-2 has longer shutter speeds, ie. 2 - 8 sec.
while the FA only has 1 sec.  Of course, my FA can do more than 8 sec on the
remaining 3 modes but not on manual (unless I compensate using the EV +/-);
2)  The FE-2 achieves a faster fps speed on MD-11/12 (about 3.5 fps) than
the FA (about 2.7 fps but 3.2-3.5 fps on MD-15).
3)  The FA's top plate is reportedly (stated in the Nikon Compendium) made
out of plastic alloy instead of metal alloy in the case of FM/FM-2/FE/FE-2.
Having owned a couple of FA before, I found that the chrome version does
crack (suggesting plastic alloy) but the black version dents (suggesting
metal alloy).
4)  The FE-2 is some 75 grammes lighter than the FA.

  Having said that, I have always enjoyed my FA (and currently using one
mounted on the MD-15).  I sold my F90X not long ago (before the price falls
and raise cash for the F5/100) and needed a camera that has almost
everything.  The FA has offered me almost everything I need in a camera.
Except for FE-lock, rear shutter flash sync and AF, the FA is one camera
that I will have no hesitation to go back to.

Deric Soh.

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